CVPMA is proud to host events such as termite training seminars, our annual Call12 appearance, Texas Hold-Em tournaments to raise money for our scholarship fund, and more. These events give us a chance to learn, educate the public, socialize, and have fun.
Below you will find planned upcoming events, some of which have a definite date set and some which are tentatively scheduled. Click on a title for full details of the event. Check back often for schedule updates and new events!
If there are no events listed, feel free to contact us to get the latest upcoming events.
Upcoming Events/Meetings/Announcements
Meetings are on the 4th Tuesday each month!
March 22, 2022 @ 5:30pm - 8:30pm: Topgolf Richmond
Topgolf Richmond
2308 Westwood Ave, Richmond, VA 23230